【學英文】閱讀理解:提早暑假 英文怎樣表達 Bring forward 你懂得用嗎?

【學英文】閱讀理解:2022 提早暑假 英文怎樣表達 Bring forward 你懂得用嗎?

行政長官林鄭月娥2月22日傍晚會見傳媒時公布,要調整學校在本學年,即 2021/22學年的上學安排。特別安排是將原本在七、八月的假期提前至三、四月,讓政府利用校舍作「全民強檢」用途。提早放暑假的安排將適用於全港幼稚園和中小學,包括國際學校和特殊學校,但不包括專上院校。提早暑假英文怎表達,讓我們講你知!


提早放暑假,英文怎樣表達呢?大家一起看看 SCMP 怎樣報導:

Bringing forward the summer holidays for students in Hong Kong as part of a government plan to conduct citywide Covid-19 screening will add to the workload for schools, disrupt teaching and learning, as well as affect the vaccination drive for young residents, according to members of the education sector.

Teachers and students were responding on Tuesday to Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor’s announcement that all schools – to be used as testing, isolation and vaccination venues – would start their summer holiday in early March.

The break will stretch to April 17. The last day of the school year will then be pushed back to August 12.

原文連結:Coronavirus: bringing forward Hong Kong school holidays as part of mass Covid-19 testing plan will add to workload and cause disruptions, teachers and pupils say


Bring forward

Bring sth forward, 在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典中的解釋:to change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than planned. 意思即是「把 XXX 提前」的意思。

Example: The summer holidays were brougt forward by four months.


Bring sth forward 還有另一個意思,就是 to introduce something so that it can be seen or discussed, 即是「提出,呈現」的意思。

Example: The police brought forward some new evidence in the case.


Summer Holidays

同學問,Holiday vs Holidays 究竟誰是正確?

Holiday 這個單數可數名詞意為「節日、假日、假期」,在表達假期時,複數名詞 holidays 和 holiday 的用法並無二致。

所以 Summer Holiday 和 Summer Holidays 的意思和用法並無不同。

但是要留意,我們經常使用 (to go/be) on holiday 來表示「去/在休假/度假」。由於 on holiday 是固定用語,所以 on 不可換成 at、in 或其他介系詞,而 holiday 也不可換成 holidays。


(O) I first met my wife when I was on holiday in Japan

(X) I first met my wife when I was at holiday in Japan.

(X) I first met my wife when I was in holiday in Japan.

(X) I first met my wife when I was on holidays in Japan.


conduct 的意思,是 to organize and perform a particular activity。意思是組織;實施;進行;處理。


Conduct a survey 進行一項調查

Conduct an experience 進行一項實驗


How you choose to conduct your private life is your own business!


今次文章這裡,就是 to conduct citywide Covid-19 screening 去進行一個全市的 Covid-19 的篩檢。


Meaning: existing or happening in all parts of the city 全市範圍的(地方)

香港是一個城市,Citywide 這裡全市可以引申為全港。


  • Worldwide 全世界
  • countrywide 全國
  • Region-wide 全區域


Screening 在醫學上,解作篩檢。篩檢就是利用無害、迅速、價廉、簡便的檢驗、測驗或其他步驟,從顯然是健康的人當中,分辨出可能有病和可能沒有病的人。





The vaccination drive

這裡 drive 不是動詞而是名詞,意思是 a planned effort to achieve something 有計劃的努力,亦即是推動力。The vaccination drive 指的是接種疫苗的推動力。

Members of the education sector


Chief Executive

Chief Executive of Hong Kong 就是香港特別行政區行政長官,是香港特別行政區的首長。

Carrie Lam

Carrie Lam 就是行政長官林鄭月娥的英文名字啦。

Used as testing, isolation and vaccination venues

用作測試, 隔離和疫苗接種場所

Early March

表示某時間的早期、中期和晚期,可以在定冠詞 in 後面添加 early, mid-和late,不限於月份,年代也可以:

Early March – 三月初

Early 1920s – 20世紀20年代早期


Break 如果是動詞,就是打破打爛的意思。

這裡 Break 是名詞,意思是 an interruption / a short period of rest 一個中止,中斷,又或是一個休息。


  • a coffee break 喝咖啡的休息時間
  • a tea break 茶歇
  • a lunch/dinner break 午/晚餐時間


中文意思是拉長,伸長,這裡 stretch to April 17 的意思是一直伸延到4月17日。

Push sth back

這裡就是 to delay something so that it happens later than planned 即是拖延,推遲的意思。

學英文 找專業老師



英文專科班 1:4 小班教學 學得更快更好

提早暑假 K3 同學倒不如提前準備升小一

家長們,還在因提早暑假而謾罵、沮喪、崩潰?正面積極的家長,已經在為 K3 的孩子安排【小一預備班】啦!


升小一預備班 幫助K3同學順利銜接P1小學生活

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